Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Care Bears Countdown - 5. 4. 3. 2. 1!!

My daughter is turning 4 later this month and I've been sooooo busy trying to get my photography business started, I have only *just* started planning her birthday party. While, this may not seem so dramatic to you - consider this, I usually have her parties completely planned by February! I've had the general concept for a few months, she requested a Care Bears party this year because she is completely OBSESSED with them. She watches a Care Bear DVD once a day - at least! It's usually several different Care Bear DVDs daily. She sleeps with a bed FULL of Care Bears. She sings all the Care Bear songs she knows all the time. Obsessed.

So, Care Bear party. But I, whom usually am ALL about party planning - have not been really into this one. I would think mostly in part due to last year's catastrophe. I planned this MASSIVE event for her 3rd birthday party, invited over 100 people (because if I am going to all the trouble, I want people there to enjoy it!) and maybe 30 or so showed up. It was a full on carnival with about 15 game booths, my gazebo was transformed into a concession stand, we had a ticket booth and EVERYTHING. It took SO much time and effort to pull off - I was exhausted and so was my family who helped me pull it all together. And there there were more games than there were kids who showed up. It was very disappointing for me because I worked SO hard on it and there were too many who RSVP'd and didn't show up. Disheartening but my daughter had a BLAST so it was worth it.

Okay, back to the Care Bear party. On one hand, I am like blah - Care Bears. What can I do with a Care Bear party? That's no fun. And on the other hand, I am like - well, if no one is going to show up - might as well not go all out anyways. So, for ONCE in her birthday history, I am going low key. No big fancy decorations, no hours and hours spent planning and creating said decorations, no rush trying to get said crazy decorations put up before everyone arrives and not making it on time. LOL. LOW KEY! hahaha! Two games, a few decorations, deli style sandwiches, cake and I'm done. I just got the invitation thrown together so I can hurry and get it sent out in the mail. Here it is - I thought it turned out too cute!

(Yes, I know I spelled forest wrong. Cut me some slack I am a sleep deprived stressed out Mommy. I think the creativity otherwise makes up for the extra "r". LOL!)

I've got it all figured out and just need some supplies to finish pulling it all together. Now, and I've already been warned, this small party (which I spent no time at all putting together) will have the biggest turn out yet. My luck. You want to know something else that's funny? I've already got the theme for next year picked and had that party nearly planned to the hilt before I even started on this one! The theme? Oh no my dear, you will have to wait until next year! =)

I'm hoping to have time to raid my discs for the photos from her last three parties so I can re-live a little glory before the Care Bear's party -- but things are so busy right now! This weekend I have two sessions that I am highly anticipating and I'll have to get to work on editing those sessions just as soon as I shoot them! Busy, busy, busy!!

See you soon (I hope!) with more, Captured by Jess

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